Friday, September 07, 2007


So I don't get to do a ton of design in my current job as I am now a project manager and more involved with scope, schedule and In order to remain sane and focused on what I really want to do, I have my freelance world and contests.

I'm currently entering designs for the Chipotle/Slipstream Cycling jersey and I'd like to ask for your help my faithful readers!

I've got two ideas up already and one more in the works and when voting opens on 9/16, I would love to have your support and win!

To make it even more funner, think of a vote for me as an opportunity to make fun of me when I win and wear a full team kit.

You can look way to the back of the pack on our group ride or any ride and laugh silently or out loud about ol' Prosser stuffed into the Argyle kit he designed.

It doesn't matter to me, I just want to win!

Here's the link to view the jerseys:

Slipstream Jersey Contest

Here's my first two comps...I'm trying to allow for proper sponsor placement as well as make the argyle something better to look at...

I tried to stuff a burrito in the back pocket (graphically), then upon uploading I see someone else did that too! Oh well...mine's more better

Basically the same, tried a gradient and black instead... option 3 will be something else...


The Fun Park said...

Great work!

Steve said...

Strong work Prosser!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ken, it's Joe Dodd from the barren North. Nice blog, and I think I saw one of these jerseys on a rider on Velonews or sumpin'.
In the interest of you still have my racquetball racquet? My new ladyfriend is pummelling my on the court and I need my mojo back.
If so, I'll pay shipping to get it back.
Peace and chicken grease.