Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Yesterday was the big day, I was un-screwed.

Pretty simple surgery, but the after-effects were not fun.
Got home with screw in bag and proceeded to barf like a super-model. Topped off with a sweet 11 hour headache (compliments of no coffee in the morning) and I was a hurtin' fool.

Today it feels like Spock is perpetually pinching my shoulder so I'm back on the Norco™!

Gooder news? No sling plus I rode my Kestrel on Sunday and I miss the bike!

Mountain biking seems questionable for the foreseeable future, but I am pretty sure that I'll be back on the road within a couple weeks (see what my PT has to say, but I can grip the bars and move along pretty well).

1" Long and out of my body!

1 comment:

Steve said...

Glad to hear you are healing!