Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Good Livin'

"I still ride the mountain bike primarily to help settle the soul and to burn off the excess energy one gets when you're living life to its fullest."
-President George W. Bush to AP reporter Scott Lindlaw, while riding mountain bikes in Napa Valley on Bush's recent trip to California

Let's see...
• 68% of the population says you are not doing a good job in any measure of performance (myself included)
• You sent soldiers off to die daily in a war based on false pretenses
• You could care less about anyone in any tax bracket I know

Keep up that livin' life to it's fullest George, we're glad your soul is settled...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AAAGGGHHH! I can't believe we are related!!! When did the liberal blood get into ur system?
P.S. As for tax brackets, we've been given a break, and Georgoe gave us better child tax breaks, but if you don't want urs I'll take it! :)
I love you anyway!