Friday, August 04, 2006

3 days and still going...

I have made it 3 days!!
Up at the butt-crack of dawn and riding by at least 5:45 for about an hour!

This morning was incredibly dark and foggy, so I had my niterider all dusted off and charged for a run in the dark. My bowl of cereal and coffee kept me busy longer than expected and as I rolled out it was light grey enough to not need the lights. So I made the long trip down about a 1/2 block to some singletrack and poached ol' Westwood Hills. Funny, we grew up riding here when it was OK. Rigid forks, 7 speed, bikes usually too big and too heavy. The fireroad climb seemed like and eternity and really hard. Funny what 18 years will do! Now on my squishy bike it was a breeze and I explored/remembered most of the left side single track I could grab!

Mountian biking is fun. Biking before work, everyday is becoming funner!

I like the option of a basically car-less hour on the road or a hour on 8-10" wide singletrack across the street from my house...Now if I just had some of my old friends to share it with, that would be the bees knees...

Check it:

Sweet Purple Jacket...

At the bottom of the hill is our house (can't see it, but we're there...). That's Napa in the background-still asleep!

1 comment:

mooTi22 said...

I like the sweet Greenfield kickstand in the first old man.