Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Morning Riding

So my good friend and co-worker Otto sent out an email detailing how he is in really good shape and really strong riding his mountain bike lately. This was in response to his friend, Tom, who has devoted a large portion of his time to becoming a real, race winning machine (he just got second place in expert 35-44 men at downieville, regularly rides every day of the week and so on).

It got us to talking about the "old days", pre-baby(ies), pre-marriage, pre-commutes and how much riding was done. In particular, I was stuck on how much riding I was doing in Redding while working at King. Kirby would drag me out in the morning for a commute to work that was either road or (better) single track for 75% of the way. After work was usually a ride as well. Some days we'd log over 30 miles in commute and after work (not to mention the great after work rides that featured Mickey's Malt liquor and some gymnastic/acrobatic riding by my future wife). All the talk, and Otto's heartfelt email got me fired up to actually do something, I resolved to get up early the next day (5AM) and do a ride for an hour.

Now let me tell you a little something about 5AM: I have heard mention of this time, but did not actually believe it existed. I mean, I am pretty sure I had seen it a few times. When I was little having my dad wake us up to go to his art shows. A few times in college when I cracked open a crusted eye from whatever floor I was passed out on and was momentarily blinded by the bright light. And most recently, when I was doing the Tour De Cure 100 mile ride. But to actually wake up BEFORE work and ride-I had only promised myself it would happen--never actually stating when.

Well I am here to say I successfully did wake up and ride this morning! And, I plan on doing it again tomorrow and the next day (and as often as I can).

Another great find, I can do road or mountain (poaching some sweet singletrack right across the street from my house).

It was a tremendous start to my day and I look forward to more. Maybe I will lose some of the new FUDA I has acquired and actually NOT be the caboose on group rides...

I'll keep everyone posted...


Tuco said...

Just surfing cycling sites and found yours - I (and it sounds weird even to me) get up at 4:05a.m. to get my ride to work done.
Try if you get a chance.

The Fun Park said...

Some of the most spiritual rides I have been on were during the wee hours of the morning. I remember the first early morning ride I did on the parkway when we moved to NC. Above 4000ft the cloud cover was below me and the sun was shine. A hawk flew down next to me and it felt like it was flying with me forever. It was absolutely amazing. Early morning rides are awesome!

The good old days at King! We did have a pretty sweet route to work and the after work rides were great. Drinking and riding….what else could you ask.