Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tour DE Cure

I'll be riding the Tour De Cure again this coming May.

100 miles for a great cause with some scary riders (scary in the fact they don't follow rules of the road and are generally oblivious to cars).

Cari's in for 65 miles, I tried to get her to do 100 but not yet!

Anyway, here's a link to my Tour DE Cure page if you wanna donate. I personally selected the raddest of the rad of my ill-fated Tam-Style riding self portraits too, so enjoy!

Here's the link:
My Tour De Cure Page

1 comment:

Steve said...

That was one good photo. I think it's better than any of the ones I have taken. The student has become the master.

I made a very tiny donation to support the cause.

I'm still waiting for my ss frame to be finished so then I can some ride with you.