Thursday, September 20, 2007


Quick note on 2 things...
Chipotle jersey contest was a bust, but a fun effort. I just have a hard time designing ugly jerseys (too many elements, fades, shapes overlapping)...for me simple is better (matter of personal taste).

SSWC08—helping Curtis and crew get the event off the ground and running successfully. Imagine 300+ singlespeed mountain bikers, drinking and racing...gonna be interestingly fun, especially since it will be right here in Napa Californ-eye-A.

Skyline is brutal to my fat-ass--pushing 32:16 generally involves some walking fer' me. Plus I have yet to set tire to dirt on the trails that put me out of commission now for 9 weeks...but I do look forward to it!

I poached this here video from the BIKE blog, here's how Curtis was able to secure the rights, the honor, to host the event.


Unknown said...

2:1 is too heavy for skyline unless you have quads like a grizzly bear. gear it down!

Steve said...

Looking forward to the event!

That CS jersey contest chose less than optimal designs....

The Fun Park said...

I cannot wait to race in your backyard. It's going to be a blast.

Listen to Andrew. 2:1 is to hard for most rides. Go to either a 32:18 or a 34:18. It will make your riding experience a pleasant one. I run a 32:18 and I'm digging it.