Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pay up sucka

...In an interview with the Politico website on Tuesday George W. Bush said he made the decision because of the war and added that "I don't want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf." 

"I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal."

A true inspiration. How about not sending them to your war in the first place?

Don't forget to spend that "Stimulus Check" on something real important like a TV or SUV.


Steve said...

What about bike stuff?

Anonymous said...

Hippie. if you're so again W. then refuse your check which the damn dems would never come up with on their own. At least it's something and he is trying while the democrats do nothing but blame the republicans for all the worlds problems, yet never coming up with any solutions on their own, and completely ignoring the country when they do vote.
Well, soon enough we will be a socialist country with Obama in charge and you will be wishing for the old days once again.
Do you want the government to wipe your butt too? Cause that's what we're headed for with the dems in charge. Look into your history.

Dadageik said...

Anonymous is funny as hell.

You think the money we're getting is free?

Your intelligence almost shines through your ignorance...but not quite.

Unknown said...

who invited that guy? WTF! stupid internet anonymity.....anyways, the internet is the fault of the democrats, too! buncha hippies!

I agree with ol' schteve-oh. Stimulate your local framebuilder! er, economically.....

no bike riding during a war!

Anonymous said...

Send a message to both parties by buying guns and porn.

The Fun Park said...

Nice work Ken. It's always good to rattle the hive.

The anonymous person seems a little angry. They might have been able to form a debate with you if they took their emotion out of it. Motions always get in the way of logical thinking.

I invested all my money in the Yen. I figure if our government is going to borrow the money from Japan I should get a pretty good return on investment by investing in the economy....:)

I do like Welby’s idea.