Thursday, September 18, 2008

time get political all over your ass

I'm done sitting back listening to the BS sound-bites and muck-raking done guessed it..the Republican Party.

Stevil at Bummer Life had this link, and since some of my 6 readers might not know of the sweet site or Swobo for that matter, I am propagating the piece...

...I mean really. Before you jump on the band-wagon, shouldn't you know where it's going?


The Fun Park said...

Ken you’re a great friend and that’s why I feel I can express myself. Sorry but we have to agree to disagree about this article. This “White Privilege” article is so negative (towards both races) and in my opinion going nowhere in terms of solving anything. I feel really sorry for Tim and what world he lives in. Word vomit like this is useless and solves absolute nothing. He is no better then the “Drive By Media”. People like to hide behind words but real people do things to make a difference.

I really have a hard time understanding why we have so much negativity towards so many things here in the US. I talk to people daily who are making a better life for themselves (black, white, brown, whatever). Why don’t we look at the wonderful opportunities we have, and be grateful instead of always try to complain about the things we don’t have. If you cannot make it in this country good luck somewhere else. If you don’t like what you hear on the media turn it off or change channels. Why aren’t more people asking real questions about the candidates…. their policies, and how it’s going to affect us as a country?

Writing long articles about “White Privilege” and how basically Obama is not being treated fairly in my mind is disrespectful to him. His story from the beginning until now is pretty impressive, and he has done quit well for himself and so has his wife. Articles like this towards our candidates are not going to solve any of our economic, energy, schooling, tax, war issues and so one. Articles like this are a cop out. Why not an article on why not to vote for MaCain & Palin instead of race or sex? By post articles like this you’re no better then… you guessed it…the Republican Party. I’m also not talking about an article about Bush, I’m talking about a good article outlining both party’s policies and see whose policies makes since.

I hope people start utilizing one of there greatest privileges and vote for the person they feel will be the best Commander in Chief for OUR country. Don’t get sucked into the media and their agendas. Let’s just think about this for a second. We had a black man who was running against a female for the democratic nominee. We now have a black man and a white man running against a white man and a female for the Oval Office. Are we really doing that bad?

I love you Ken and you need more positive things around you then this guy.

The Matulich Family said...

Kirby, I don't know you, but I am glad my brother has someone he knows who has some sense.
Your words are well thought out and true. I wish more people could hear them instead of the negativity we get fed through the media in articles like these liberal hate pieces that do nothing to inform anyone of what either candidate stands for or what their character contains.

Life is what you make it, you decide how you live, and it is only in this country that you get that choice.