Monday, May 01, 2006

I interrupt this blog for a quick GW bash

*To all 3 of my readers, I must deviate from bike ramblings to answer-more directly-a post to my "liberal" blog...

It was said that I should be thankful for the $1000 child tax credit (I am) and that this money goes a long way to making ends meet...that just is too hard to believe, so I dug around on Dubya's record and lookee what I found...
Sorry for lack of sources, if you are so inclined to question I am sure I can retrieve my bookmarks

1.)Salaries are still below where they were at the start of the recovery in November 2001. That, while productivity -- the growth of the economic pie -- is up by almost 15 percent. Meaning we're working harder, producing more, for the same money as five years ago.

2.)Since the recession ended in 2001, 50 percent more of the growth in corporate income was sucked up as profits than after past recessions. That's left less for those of us who work for a living.

3.) Median household income has now fallen for five years in a row. It was 4 percent, or $2,000, lower in 2004 than it was in 1999.

4.) U.S. household debt, adjusted for inflation, rose by more than a third over the last four years. Mortgage and consumer debt equals 115 percent of after-tax income, and the amount American families spend paying off those debts is at an all-time high of almost 14 percent of their paychecks. In other words Americans are all paying a hefty monthly debt tax to banks and creditors on top of what we already pay the government.

5.) The typical tax cut for the median income taxpayer will be $600 a year.

For the 78 million taxpayers in the lowest 60 percent of the income scale, the tax cut will average $347 a year.

In contrast, at the top of the income scale the average tax cut will be $53,000 annually--virtually identical to the $54,000 annual tax cut proposed by the President.

6.) Bush claimed that his tax cut would “reduce tax rates for everyone who pays income tax.” He failed to mention that this “relief” program would put half of the tax cut's dividends into the hands of our nation's wealthiest 5%, while 8.1 million citizens in the bottom half of the income bracket receive approximately $300 a year. Reducing tax revenues while doubling the growth rate of federal spending has caused the federal budget deficit to balloon to a projected $4 trillion over the next 10 years.

7.) 3.3 million jobs (93,000 in August of 2003 alone) have been lost since Bush took office--more than the last 11 Presidents combined. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 2001-August 2003) Bush is likely to be the first president since Herbert Hoover to show a net loss of jobs at the end of his first term

8.) The 2004 budget set the record for the largest deficit in history: either $477 billion or $521 billion (CBO and OMB numbers, respectively).

9.) The federal budget surplus of over $200 billion that we enjoyed in the year 2000 has disappeared, and we are now facing a massive annual deficit of over $400 billion.

10.) GW's justice department was the first in US history to attempt to enforce federal regulations while refusing to disclose what those regulations are.

It goes on and on...

For the record, I went to the base meaning of the word "republican" (according to Merriam Webster):

DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICAN b : of, relating to, or constituting the one of the two major political parties evolving in the U.S. in the mid-19th century that is usually primarily associated with business, financial, and some agricultural interests and is held to favor a restricted governmental role in economic life

This party might not be so republican after all as they seem to want to have ANY and EVERY role not only in our economic, but also PERSONAL life. Way too scary. Just know, whenever you decide to give up rights that took 200 years to achieve, there is NO way you're getting them back.


The Fun Park said...

The only problem I have with these accusations and the web site Dubya’s record is there are no answers or possible solutions to anything. Now I will admit I did not read the site from front to back, and the site is a little to extreme liberal for me. I have never seen anyone pick the bible apart like they did, but that’s another debate.

I can find dirt on any political figure in office, but the real question is what do we need to do to change? I have not heard anything from a liberal that has any real substance. If you want to pick someone apart look at Kennedy. That guy is off the deep end and I think he gives the liberals a horrible reputation.

The last figures I saw are 5 million jobs have been created since 2003 and college grads are looking at one of the best years (salary wise) with a 11% increase right out of school since 2001. I believe over the last 30 months employers have been posting wage increases every month. I still do not see the “doom and gloom” outlook the liberals keep trying to post and report. Once again not that everything is running on all cylinders (but then again when is it), but I don’t think our economy is in as bad shape as all the Bush haters keep preaching. I know my family is doing fine (we are a middle class family) and I really have no complaints.

Now that I’m thinking about it this tax season (because I’m also in the MSB business) we saw so many single parents and families come through our centers with tax reimbursement checks in the range of $5000 to $6000 dollars! Once again these were single parents or family members working $8, $9 maybe $10 dollar an hour jobs getting what I thought was HUGE reimbursement check from the government. These checks were Federal, and they also were getting $1500 to $2500 dollar State checks. Personally I feel seeing the checks, and cashing the checks blows any other type of information out of the water. There is no way anyone can convince me that lower income families are not getting good reimbursement checks from the Federal and State Government. Not going to buy it!

Heck…interest rates on homes are still really low and consumer spending is up. Unemployment is about 4.8% which is still really good and almost 5% of Americans don’t want to work anyways and would rather stay in the welfare system. The unemployment rate seems about right.

Here’s one for you…There are somethin like 4.7% illegal immigrants employed in the US. Unemployment is at 4.8%? That's kind of fun to think about it…

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kirby!
The difference between a democrat and a republican is that at least republicans are TRYING to do something instead just sitting back and telling us every problem we have! It may not always be the right solution, but the only way to learn if from experience!

I would love for my disillusioned brother to look up what little Clinton actually did for the country while he was in office! (And I sadly voted for him at the time!).

Thanks again Kirby, for trying to teach my unteachable bro some sense!
Ken's lil sis

Dadageik said...

Oh Beth, you have so much to learn...

mooTi22 said...

Honestly...if you two can't debate like adults and then hold your comments from eachother. No name calling, no telling eachother they have so much to learn. I do not see any beneficial outcomes from your banters. Both of you are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, so you will NEVER see eye-to-eye. That is not a bad thing, ok? Do not worry about convincing the other one to "see things your way". It won't happen.

Oh Beth...I am thinking of going for a pedicure on Sunday...will you join me? I'll ask Erin too. :)