Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Our family successfully celebrated Jake's 4th Halloween on this planet yesterday.
Much candy was had and despite some neighborhood graveyards and witches giving Jake the scare (he would never make it in Kirby and Lyn's house), everyone had a blast.

Jake was convinced, coerced, directed to try something other than the "Truck Driver" he wanted to be. After a trip to our local fire station, Jake decided he wanted to be a fire truck driver. A costume was quickly procurred and mom and dad set off on their search.

Mom settled first on a Vampiress, then Dracula's bride, and finally into her interpretation of a Mark Reiden character. (Check her blog for pics, I couldn't find any!)

For my gig, I went back, way back, to a time when I might have been business up front, but all party in the back. A time when mini-trucks and JJ Fad ruled the scene. When white turtle necks could be worn with your freshest pegged acid washed jeans and white high tops. A slight modification had to be made to accomodate the chilly weather-there was no way I would make it in my original wife beater, cut off levis and sandals with socks, but over all I think I found my inner Billy Ray...

The cousins-Jake and Kaleb in a candy-induced coma...

Hella hardcore Norcal style, gimme yer candy!


Steve said...

Daaaaaang! Lookin' good Bobby Joe!

The Fun Park said...

How weird….we had a bunch of people dressed up in the same custom as yours. Wait…those were not customs!

The Fun Park said...

customs....costume...whatever I'm a retard.