Monday, April 23, 2007

Don't Stop Believin'

So Cari was showing me some old ass video of USA for Africa's Christmas special. I only kinda remembered the video, featuring all the big players from the 80's, all coked up and singing for African kids.

Anyway got me to thinking about cheesy videos and naturally Journey's "Seperate Ways" came right to mind.

Using the power of YouTube I immediately grabbed the video and posted it here.

Best part of Journey I can remember was Sea Otter many moons ago. Our rental car, Jen, Cari, B-Rad and Kirby and myself rockin' hella™ hard to Journey with the volume up to 11.

All I can say is hella-rad™! If I could entice hair to grow on my head, I'd rock the Steve Perry right now...Just check out the looks dude gives the camera and the best part, the drummer...

Cari had a great idea for my friends and I (Kirby and Grady especially)...start a cycling team and name it endless Journey. We could dress up like Steve Perry and crew (sweet sleeveless Tees, tight jeans) and race bikes...think about it...

Now, with no further Ado, rock on, rockers...

1 comment:

The Fun Park said...

Thank god for YouTube. That's a great video! I'm in!