Monday, April 30, 2007

Me and My Boy...

In the flurry to post the ride from yesterday, I totally spaced some pics of Jake and I doing what we know best...hikin' and lizard & snake huntin'. Jake is really awesome when it comes to his love of the outdoors, reminds me of myself so many moons ago...always flippin' over rocks and searching for the next reptile.

We've had a busy couple of weekends on the hikin' tip recently. One weekend found us heading up Partrick Road in search of salamander and newts. Jake was a real trooper and did the whole hike solo (not carried). We found several scorpions, some skinny salamanders and the pretty orange/brown Ensatina.

Last weekend was jam packed with adventure. Saturday Jake joined me on the tag a long for my Saturday morning group ride. I was a little concerned he wouldn't be able to hang in there for the 16+ miles (wait, my bad-I was more concerned I wouldn't be able to make it towing him!), but he pedalled the entire distance. We had a blast flying down hills and joining my "buds" for coffee and juice at Stanley Lane. I gotta say towing the 50+ pounds around sure was a work out!

Jake zonked out hard after the ride, but woke up full of energy to go on our promised lizard huntin' trip that afternoon. He and I headed over to Browns Valley and began the hike up hill. It didn't take much log turnin' to find our first scorpion, but soon after that it was newt time. As we made our way uphill there were plenty of blue-bellies to chase, but I knew there had to be snakes out there, and we were gonna find them!

We didn't have to wait long. One nice rock flip yielded a baby garter snake, which Jake was kind enough to let poop on me before he held it. Next up we were chasing some blue bellies on the old road when I noticed a baby gopher snake. I snatched it right up and Jake proudly posed with it before we let it go.

We took a banana, apple and water break and just took in the beauty of the area before heading back downhill. Of course our adventure wasn't over yet.

While watching some blue bellies do "push ups", I heard a rustling in the grass and found a huge toad. Once again, Jake was kind enough to let it pee on me before posing. Minutes after letting Mr. Toad go, we were walking down and again, off the road I saw a huge gopher snake just poking out of the grass. Jake waited while I snuck up on it and caught it. The big snake was a little mad and hissed a bunch and struck at my shoe before calming down. I'd say it was about 4 feet long and almost 2" thick! Jake wasn't too into holding it, until AFTER I let it go. So I snatched it back up for him-unfortunately ol' Mr. Gopher was back to hissing and really wanted to go, so we just watched him slither away.

I can't describe how cool it is to spend time outdoors with Jake. To see him loving nature and respecting it, just makes me proud!

1 comment:

Steve said...

Jake is getting bigger! I'm glad to see that someone is exposing their child to the great outdoors instead of shopping malls.