Monday, April 23, 2007

Scientist Battle!

Just a quick note on a new section to my blog, the "My Scientistists are smarter than your scientist..." section.

What brought this about?

A couple of things...
First, I just finished a great book by Michael Pollan titled, The Omnivores Dilemma

Seriously good reading on the topic of food and how we use it (and it uses us). Pretty good for a bacon lovin', taquito buying, fast foodie like me. But I do notice the pounds and the feeling I get from eating bad food too much and even if I can apply 10% of what I learned from this book (as well as Fast Food Nation and Super Size Me), I think I'll be heading down a better path...

Next up was a read thru of my good friend's blog and his opinion on the matter of global warming and big oil profits. Although I disagree compltely with the articles cited, I overcame the impulse to scream "No, No, No" and instead took a step back -- OK not a total step, ask Cari, when she challenged my stance and thinking, I only got angry and said I would do nothing. Well, as usual she's more level headed and after settling down personally, I evened my keel and determined my next actions to take on a personal and local level.

I'm not going to point fingers or even openly disect opinions on this site. what I can say is I have not seen ol' Al's movie, I plan to, but haven't just yet. I'm not jumping on his band wagon and god knows he's not the end-all be-all answer or savior. Hell, he's just some rich guy taking another turn in the spot light.

But the fact that his movie/focus/pulpit involves something so central not so much to MY existence, but most importantly to my son's and his family's life, well it is a positive in my book. A positive that it allows this issue so much press and exposure. And in getting that press and exposure, maybe one more of my fellow citizen's will take notice and do one thing, just one, to change their (our) wasteful, selfish existence for the better.

Oh yeah and another thing, I do love the country I live in, becasue for the most part we are free to have opinions (any and all) and voices to speak about issues of many sizes big and small and that is a wonderful thing.

Anyway, back to the new section. Just as everyone is free to express their voice and opinion, I decided, that as I want to know more about my choice to believe that there is a such thing as global warming (and that we as humans have a lot larger role in it than some would think), I would start collecting and researching more resources highlighting that event as well as others I am interested and voicee opinion for (food sources and sustainable living for example). I'm just out to better inform myself on these things and maybe others as I learn more. I'm going all over the net and books as time allows, and learning as I go. I know each side can pull out ascientist here or there to battle or dispute each comment. But I believe that I can do a lot more by learning, reading and acting locally (whether buying food locally, voting and supporting local issues or recycling more)—not only for myself, but more importantly for my son's future...Just as much as I do NOT believe that drilling in protected areas (Arctic), driving Hummers, or Walmart is the answer...

Hell, I even looked into the sun getting hotter and drilling in natural parks and protected wild areas (err, desolated areas...). Trying to get to both sides is a huge challenge, faced with largely partial opinions (ususally argued very childishly I read)—but a worthy journey (get it Journey!...see below) nonetheless...

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