Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Designed in the USA

Quick one...

Saw this interesting link from Bicycle Design Blog, details to a good extent, where bikes actually come from. Having connections to the Taiwan side of the bike industry, a lot of this was not news to me, but still some interesting info.

Where was your bike really made?*

Personally, I try to buy American made frames and parts-nowadays though that pretty much limits me to King product and high-end steel frames. In my garage I take a certain pride in knowing where my bikes came from, and in the case of my Retrotec (still to be built), I know who made it. My overall reasoning is that I am supporting American workers who are (hopefully) getting paid reasonably well for what they are doing. And in the case of King, and employer who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk in terms of commitment to employees and environment.

Let's see I currently have the following bikes:
  1. Intense Spider XVP+ King HS & Hubs—USA
  2. Ventana El Toro SS+ King HS & Hubs—USA
  3. Indy Fab Crown Jewel+ King HS & Hubs—USA
  4. Cannondale XS800—USA
  5. Kestrel 200SCi+ King HS—USA
  6. Kestrel MXZ—USA
  7. Surly Steamroller—China or Taiwan
Friends of mine have been fooled by the stickers that come on many bikes now-a-days, with the huge US Flag and smaller type that says "Designed in USA/California/Morgan Hill..."-a bit too misleading for my taste. I understand Taiwan to be a rising star in carbon fiber production and they've been doing aluminum well for a long time, so I am not saying the bikes are junk. I just choose to spend my money where it counts (more) to me and with manufacturer's whom (I hope) are more environmentally and socially responsible than some of the Chinese manufacturers I have read about (sorry for gross generalization before).

*So the list is not totally accurate according to those who know a lot more. My point still stands-know where you are buying from, don't be mis-lead by decals and such.


Anonymous said...

Hey now, not all Chinese are like that!

Biker Boy said...

Man...I surely wish that I knew who made the bikes in my basement...Oh wait...Other than three frames (1 Carbon Trek, 1 SCB Roadster and 1 Special Ed Langster) I personally know the welder that made my bikes...must have something to do with working for a contract frame builder. I do find it sad that 90% of the consumers out there have no idea what they are buying....

David Prosser said...

Some right in that article but a whole lot wrong.