Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday with Jake

Lookin' cool at Alston!

Today was the second weekend of the newly designated Jake and Daddy day (as he is with Cari on Saturdays). Our adventures today were around cycling as Jake wanted to ride Alston and I needed to head around town to take some pics for SSWC08 eating, drinking and sleeping establishments.

As is normal for weekends only, Jake was up super early and ready to go. I, on the other hand, was a bit slow and sore from the ride on Saturday. The bed felt so nice, it was hard to get up! But I did and headed to make some breakfast and start our day. Jake loves eggs so that's what we had. He also loves bacon (thereby proving without a DNA test, he's my son!). I figured oh, one eggs all he'll eat. Wrong! He had two eggs and 3 strips of bacon with OJ and loved it!

We did some playing with Hotwheels and backyard sally hunting before we settled into what to do. He voted for Alston, so that's where we headed. It was really windy again today and we found ourselves being blown around out there. After some ferocious headwinds, we even opted out of riding to the gnome homes in Alston, instead we'd hook up the tag-a long and get Curtis to ride downtown to eat at Taylors and take some pics, oh yeah and get a cone at Fosters Freeze!

While at Alston I have to say, Jake ROCKS on his bike! Starts are faster and cleaner and he hauls butt out there! Of course he lays down some tremendous skids which we'll have to curtail, but even those,in the midst of what looks like a full on fishtail to crash, he pulls it out and rides on. I am so proud!

We jammed home, hooked up the tag-a-long and headed downtown. Stop one was Napa River Velo for a chain Curtis needed. While he chatted, we found the sweetest pair of Fox full-finger gloves. Now of course I am a sucker for this stuff and they fit Jake, so we got em! Next we road the RR tracks across the RR bridge to Taylors for our $30 hamburger and coke. Jake was rarin' to go so he pedaled hard as we criss-crossed downtown Napa shooting places for SSWC08 folks to drink, eat and sleep in August. The ride was capped with a delicious cone at Foster's Freeze.

Jake muggin' for the camera with his Fox gloves!

We got home and outta the wind just in time to head out to OSH to buy some balsa wood so Jake could make a rocket. Unfortunately, they did not have balsa, but Jake did get a sweet saw that he can use (with my or his mother's supervision) on his projects. Needless to say he wanted to start right now! But bath, dinner and 7:30 (ish) bed-time were close, so we agreed to design it this week and work on it Friday when I am home with him.

As our lives transition away from the traditional family, I am more than happy to spend more time one on one with my son. He is an incredible little dude that constantly amazes, and cracks me up with his humor and short I love him with all my heart!

A little movie from the SD450 camera while trailing Jake one-handed at Alston...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice! Bacon, riding, and angry bee sounds (in the vid)!