Sunday, March 02, 2008

Sundays with Jake

Today Jake and I rocked the whole day was action packed and full of fun, I look forward to my Sundays with Jake more than anything.

There were no pictures to be taken today ( weird because I try to take as many as I can everywhere), too busy...where to begin? Jake woke me up at a brisk 6:44am--somewhat rough after my ride yesterday, but after telling him 20 more minutes for about 45 minutes, we settled into our day. There was some serious Lego building-we had a car for Mousey to get into and many small pieces to find. we worked together and made it happen. Next up was some lunch, circle cut toasted PB&J sando's, grapes and milk for dipping...yummy goodness.

I had a meeting with some ladies from Jake's school, to find out how I can help with the yearbook. Best part of that plan? We were heading to Kennedy park to play on the playset and get some riding in. Jake's plan was to have the meeting while we rode our bike, but I needed to sit and chat so he hit the pavement with one of their sons (a second grader nonetheless)! After the meeting Jake and I cruised our bikes and looked for frogs, lizards and sallys (to no avail).

Next up was a trip home, some more Lego playing and then off to Reptile Club. This club meets once a month at the little nature museum near our current house and Jake is a star attraction. Joe and Jeremy lead the meeting and it usually involves some reptile or reptiles being handed around and discussed. Joe runs "Joe's Rattlesnake and Reptile Rescue" and is a great guy and Jeremy always cruises in on his bike with a cool new boa variety to share. Tonight was "cornsnakes" and a great time.

Jake and I capped the evening off at Azzurro where he downed his usual pizza (no cheese, just sauce and bread) whole, had some caesar salad and for a topper, shared a bowl of vanilla ice cream with caramel and grey sea salt. Yum...mee!

The thing that trips me out is how much and how fast my son is growing up. The early years were harder for me to identify with him as I do now, although I have loved him all the same, I wish I could have slowed down and focused more intently on him since day one. With his entire life in front of us, I make it my goal, my life mission to make sure he has all the love, support, attention and respect I can offer and more...What an incredible little person!

1 comment:

The Fun Park said...

You're a good Dad Ken.