Monday, March 10, 2008

Too real

I have one more quote before I make the focus of this blog on riding and time with my son...

"The tragedies that now blacken and darken the very air of heaven for us will sink into their places in a scheme so august, so magnificent, so joyful, that we shall laugh for wonder and delight."

Authur Christopher Bacon

To all 4 of my observers/readers, what can I say? The ol' blog was my online journal, very cathartic to air out my life, both good and bad. Somehow, just putting it "out there" helps me to communicate and establish closer relationships with those I care about (sometimes, not always)...

The changes that are occurring within it now are very hard for me to deal with...ultimately I look forward to the best for all involved. In the coming year though, the focus will be a lot less personal as I relate more to a written journal, close friends and family and myself... Thanks for checkin' out what I have going on in my life, I enjoy sharing it...


The Fun Park said...

I'm always here for you buddy.

Amazing photos of your Saturday and Sunday outing.

I can only imagine how excited Jake gets to spend time with you. You two do some really fun things together.

Anonymous said...

Keep Focused and Keep these 4-things in mind!
1) Your Health (without it your worthless)
2) Your Son (he will keep you going through all the tough times)
3) Your Job (helps to keep you busy and provide spending cash)
4) Do whatever is best for Jake, no matter the sacrafice!

I know it seems impossible but you will get through this and you WILL be stronger because of it!

Clay Newton said...

Hey man, this is news to me. I am sorry to hear that you are going through a divorce. I won't sugar coat: the process of divorce is an absolute nightmare. Ultimately, tho, what I can say from my experience is that you will come out of it alive, well and healthier.

Take care and if you ever need someone to complain to, I'm here.