Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Sixty on a Wednesday

Enough of the sad and drama posts-my life isn't all that bad. It was only  8 months ago I was commuting daily to SF for work. What does that mean? Well add 3 hours to my work day. Or actually-more realistically-subtract three hours from my family day. The job was great. The people I worked with were incredible. The commute killed.

FF--->> to 7/2/08.

I work in town.
I can see my son for almost 3 hours after work (On Monday and Tuesday currently).
My job is really cool.

I can get a 60 mile road ride in on a Wednesday, like I did today.

18 mile commute to and from work.
40+ mile road ride with 3000' of climbing after work with great friends.

Real nice.

Oh yeah and I went kayaking last Thursday after work. Listened to a band while floating on the river.  Paddled home in the dark under an almost full moon.

Guess it all isn't so bad.

Just need to know how to look at it.

I'm gonna go get my eyes checked.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice to know that after the suck-fest that pretty much defines tuesdays, you can cash in your chips wednesday for some physical suffering and endorphins. nothing like sitting neck-deep in post-ride buzz at dinnertime wednesday.

next week we're stepping it up to a higher level with mountain biking in annadel. maybe you'll have a NEW MOUNTAIN BIKE by then.....